We are located in Ephraim Doumato Jewelers
425 Putnam Pike Greenville RI 02828
Store Hours
Monday - Friday
10AM - 6PM
10AM - 4PM
Take a pause. Find a quiet place within, and for just a moment… Be Still. Imagine you are on the sand and let the waves of your gratitude wash over your feet. Allow the sea to pull your prayers to the horizon as a gift to God. Trust Him with them. Allow the Lord to take your worries and replace them with trust, contentment, stillness, and peace. Let this bracelet be a tangible reminder to sit still, release from all distractions, and gaze into the loving embrace of God. It is within this love that true peace is restored and renewed.
We are located in Ephraim Doumato Jewelers
425 Putnam Pike Greenville RI 02828
Store Hours
Monday - Friday
10AM - 6PM
10AM - 4PM